One Wrong Move

Author: Dani Pettrey

Series: Jeopardy Falls #1

Publisher: Bethany House

Release Date: February 6, 2024

Rating: 5 out of 5.

A fantastic romantic suspense book by an author that fans of Christian fiction have grown to love.

When Christian O’Brady left his adolescent life behind, he wanted nothing more than to prove he was no longer a criminal and only wants to help people. He uses his past to become an expert on security and helps others stay safe. After a group of art thieves attack a gallery he helps provide security for, he works with Andi Forester, an insurance investigator to figure out who is behind the heists and stop them before they hit again.

It had been far too long since I had a new Dani Pettrey book before picking One Wrong Move. As the start of the newest series Pettrey sets up a fantastic plot line and characters that I couldn’t help but root for. Christian and Andi both have complicated pasts that end up intertwined in an interesting way throughout the story making them more endearing as the pages turn. The closer they got to finding the truth the more danger they find themselves in. There are plenty of questions left at the end of the story that leaves it open for the next on the series. I loved the way the story wrapped up but also left it open for more to come with the next in the series. This book is great for readers that love romantic suspense.

I received a complimentary copy of this title from the publisher.  The views and opinions expressed within are my own.

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