Her Part to Play

Author: Jenny Erlingsson

Publisher: Revell

Release Date: June 18, 2024

Rating: 4 out of 5.

A story about love, redemption and interracial tension that is a great story for today’s readers.

Adanne works as a hairstylist and makeup artist. When a movie shoot in her town needs an extra artist for their film, she comes on and uses the opportunity given to her to try and help her family. What she doesn’t realize is that this job will bring her face to face with the actor that got her fired from her last job. John Pope has turned his life over to God and in the process has tried to make up for the mistakes of his past. When he feels an attraction to Adanne, he wonders if it could be too good to be true.

I had high hopes for this book, and while it was great writing from a debut author, I just couldn’t connect. I also feel like this one was far too similar to one I recently read by Toni Shiloh. I think it is great that there are more diverse books coming to the Christian fiction shelves by these authors, but they are starting to seem very similar and nothing unique about them. That is kind of becoming the case with a lot of the romantic suspense, historical romance and even contemporary romance genre books. It would be great to have something unique and new cross my shelves soon, unfortunately this one wasn’t it. I would recommend this to readers that are looking for those diverse books and enjoy contemporary romance.

I received a complimentary copy of this title from the publisher.  The views and opinions expressed within are my own.

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