Hidden in the Night

Author: Elizabeth Goddard

Series: Missing in Alaska #3

Publisher: Revell

Release Date: June 4, 2024

Rating: 4 out of 5.

The third book in the Missing in Alaska series fell a little short of my expectations but is still a good romantic suspense read.

When Ivy Elliott’s mother asks her to find a rare book, she moves heaven and earth to accomplish this sending her to Alaska looking for the unpublished Jack London manuscript seemingly lost decades ago. Alaska State Trooper Nolan Long finds himself helping Ivy after a blizzard hits and dead bodies turn up in the search for the missing book. Along with the missing book they are in search of a missing girl who might be the key to finding all they search for.

Hidden in the Night follows the first two books in the series which I really enjoyed and was expecting to enjoy this one as well but unfortunately this one fell short. I just couldn’t get myself connected to the characters and even though I was intrigued with the missing London manuscript, it wasn’t enough to keep me focused on the pages. The romance aspect was well played and did hold my interest better. Even though this wasn’t my favorite, I do believe fans of romantic suspense will enjoy it.

I received a complimentary copy of this title from the publisher.  The views and opinions expressed within are my own.

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